But, the funniest part is yet to come – all stories have a common theme, flatulence! Not what you expected? Well, this unexpected turn of events will have your child smiling from ear to ear – it really is an entertaining read! The stories in the book scale the length of the country as we travel from Kerala to Bengal to Goa, all while laughing uncontrollably. These short stories for kids are personal anecdotes by each of the authors about their childhood with their grandparents.

Here is our list of funny short stories for kids! 1) Phiss Phuss Boom Boom by Authors Anushka Ravishankar, Jerry Pinto, and Sayoni Basu. And boy, is that great? These stories will tickle your funny bone and will keep you laughing even after you have finished the book! Seems worth a try, doesn’t it? Well, lucky for you GetLitt ! has a wide variety of funny books for your children! Children love watching comic TV shows and movies, why not extend this towards books and stories for kids as well? Stories for children are no longer limited to classic fairy-tales and picture books, now they have forayed into the field of funny short stories for kids as well. Comedy is such a vast genre that it can be enjoyed by everyone. Comedy is and should be, a key part of one’s life regardless of their age.