We've tried mounting shares using CIFS path names instead of SMB, and that doesn't really change anything. This product replaces the SMB stack in Mac OS X, and it improved performance almost not at all. We've contacted Apple professional services, who basically said 'meh' and suggested we try Dave from Thursby software. These users are all running Mac OS X 10.9.2+, and while the performance is worse off campus through VPN, even on campus over fast Ethernet / wired connections the browse times are consistently ridiculous. Most users assume their shares are empty because it takes so long to view what's in them (and this is the same whether there are 20 files in a folder or 2000.)

This is the same whether we use Finder directly or pop open an terminal window and ls the contents in /Volumes/driveshare. Transfer times up and down are reasonable, but simply opening a folder to view its contents takes 30-300 seconds to display files.

However, we're starting to bring on board more Mac OS X users who are mounting these shares in Finder and having performance problems. I work in an environment where we use Microsoft DFS servers for file sharing, and they're pretty straightforward configurations that hundreds of Windows users have mounted as drive letters for both personal and departmental file sharing. So here's a weird problem I'm trying to diagnose, and I wonder if anyone out there has any ideas on how to proceed.